I have more energy and my clothes fit better I started with the Rolling Strong program 3 months ago because I wanted to get healthier. Since I started, I’ve been using the Rolling Strong app and I’ve been on a weekly coaching call with Coach Claudia. I started walking...
I’ve lost 4 lbs in 10 days! After hearing a coach talk about Rolling Strong in orientation I decided that I wanted to join the program. I’ve always been into fitness and I’ve notices that I started gaining weight since I became a driver. After the assessment, my...
This driver lost 112 lbs. by eliminating soda from her diet. Atila used to drink 13 sodas per day and struggled with high blood pressure. Her BP is currently within normal limits. She is in the process of losing 65 more lbs. by working out every day. She has made...
“I began working with Rolling Strong Coach Cindy just 3 months ago. I just went to my doctor and he was amazed that I had dropped almost 16 lbs and he told me my A1c had dropped 2 full points and my Blood Pressure was back to normal. Thanks so much to Coach...